مقایسه اثربخشی تمرینات نوروفیدبک و فراهم‌سازهای محیط تمرین بر تعادل ایستا در مردان ساکن سرای سالمندان

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 گروه علوم ورزشی، پردیس بین‌المللی کیش دانشگاه تهران، کیش، ایران

2 گروه رفتارحرکتی، دانشکده علوم ورزشی، دانشگاه تهران، تهران، ایران


توانایی تعادل یکی از اجزای حیاتی فعالیت­‌های مستقل روزانه در میان سالمندان است. اختلال تعادل یکی از عوامل خطر عمده برای زمین خوردن و عوارض مربوط به آن است. بنابراین هدف از پژوهش حاضر، مقایسه اثربخشی تمرینات نوروفیدبک و فراهم‌سازهای محیط تمرین بر تعادل ایستا مردان ساکن سرای سالمندان بود. پژوهش حاضر از نوع نیمه‌تجربی با طرح پیش‌آزمون-پس‌آزمون با گروه کنترل بود. جامعه آماری پژوهش حاضر شامل مردان سالمند مقیم سرای سالمندان شهر ایلام با دامنه سنی 60 تا 80 سال بود که تعداد 36 شرکت‌کننده با نمونه­‌گیری در دسترس و با در نظر گرفتن معیارهای ورود و خروج انتخاب شدند، و به سه گروه 12 نفری نوروفیدبک، آموزش فراهم‌­سازی­‌های محیط تمرینی و کنترل تقسیم شدند. شرکت­‌کنندگان در مرحله پیش‌آزمون در سه کوشش اقدام به انجام تکلیف تعادل ایستا نمودند. در مرحله مداخله (تمرین)، که به مدت هشت هفته به طول انجامید و شامل سه جلسه 30 دقیقه‌ای در هفته بود، دو گروه­ آزمایشی به تمرینات مربوطه پرداختند. لازم به ذکر است که در این مدت گروه کنترل به اجرای فعالیت‌­های معمول و روزانه خود پرداختند. مرحله پس‌آزمون دقیقاً پس از آخرین جلسه تمرینی اجرا شد. داده‌­ها به روش تحلیل کوواریانس تک‌متغیری (آنکوا) تحلیل شد که نتایج آن نشان داد که آموزش نوروفیدبک بر بهبود تعادل ایستای (جابجایی قدامی-خلفی و جابجایی مرکزی-جانبی مرکز فشار) مردان سالمند تأثیر معنی­‌داری دارد (01/0>P). همچنین آموزش فراهم‌­سازی محیط تمرین نیز بر بهبود تعادل ایستای (جابجایی قدامی-خلفی و جابجایی مرکزی-جانبی مرکز فشار) سالمندان مرد تأثیر معنی‌­داری دارد (01/0>P). نتایج آزمون تعقیبی LSD نشان داد که آموزش فراهم­‌سازی‌های محیط تمرینی در مقایسه با آموزش نوروفیدبک اثر بیشتری در بهبودی تعادل ایستای مردان سالمند داشت (01/0>P). با توجه به نتایج پژوهش حاضر به مربیان و متخصصان سالمندی پیشنهاد می­‌شود که بر غنی­‌سازی محیط برای بهبود تعادل سالمندان توجه نمایند.


عنوان مقاله [English]

The Comparison of the Effectiveness of Neurofeedback Training and Training Environment Affordance on Static Balance in Men Living in Nursing Homes

نویسندگان [English]

  • Bahram Saadat 1
  • Mahmoud Sheikh 2
  • Davoud Hominian 2
1 Dept of Sports Science, University of Tehran Kish International Campus, Kish, Iran
2 Dept of Motor Behavior, Faculty of Sports Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
چکیده [English]

Balance ability is a crucial component of the independent daily activities among older adults. Balance impairment is one of the significant risk factors for falls and its related complications. Therefore, the purpose of the current study was to compare the effectiveness of neurofeedback training and training environment affordance on static balance in the elderly ‎men. This was a quasi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest control group design. The statistical population of the present study included the elderly men with an age range of 60 to 80 years living in nursing homes in Ilam, Iran, among whom 36 participants were selected using convenience sampling along with considering the inclusion and exclusion criteria, and assigned into three groups of neurofeedback, training environment affordance and control, each of which had 12 members. Participants performed a static balance task in three attempts in the pretest phase. In the intervention phase (practice), which lasted for eight weeks and included three 30-minute sessions per week, the member of two experimental groups performed the relevant exercises. It should be noted that during this period, the control group performed their usual daily activities. The posttest phase was conducted exactly after the last training session. Data were analyzed by univariate analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), the results of which indicated that neurofeedback training has a significant effect on improving static balance (anterior-posterior displacement and central-lateral displacement of the center of pressure) in the elderly men (P<0.01). Besides, training environment affordance had a significant effect on improving static balance (anterior-posterior displacement and central-lateral displacement of the center of pressure) in the elderly men (P<0.01). The results of LSD post-hoc test revealed that compared to neurofeedback training, training environment affordance had greater effect on improving static balance in the elderly men (P<0.01). According to the results of the present study, educators and geriatricians are recommended to pay attention to enriching the environment in order to improve the balance of the elderly.
Aranda-Gallardo, M., Morales-Asencio, J. M., de Luna-Rodriguez, M. E., Vazquez-Blanco, M. J., Morilla-Herrera, J. C., Rivas-Ruiz, F., Toribio-Montero, J. C., & Canca-Sanchez, J. C. (2018). Characteristics, consequences and prevention of falls in institutionalized older adults in the province of Malaga (Spain): A prospective, cohort, multicentre study. BMJ Open8(2), Article e020039.
Azarpaikan, A., & Taheri Torbati, H. (2018). Effect of somatosensory and neurofeedback training on balance in older healthy adults: A preliminary investigation. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research30(7), 745-753.
Azarpaikan, A., Torbati, H. T., & Sohrabi, M. (2014). Neurofeedback and physical balance in Parkinson's patients. Gait & Posture40(1), 177-181.
Chippendale, T., & Boltz, M. (2015). The neighborhood environment: perceived fall risk, resources, and strategies for fall prevention. The Gerontologist55(4), 575-583.
Clemson, L., Stark, S., Pighills, A. C., Torgerson, D. J., Sherrington, C., & Lamb, S. E. (2019). Environmental interventions for preventing falls in older people living in the community. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2, Article CD013258.
Colom, A., Ruiz, M., Wärnberg, J., Compa, M., Muncunill, J., Barón-López, F. J., & Romaguera, D. (2019). Mediterranean built environment and precipitation as modulator factors on physical activity in obese mid-age and old-age adults with metabolic syndrome: Cross-sectional study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health16(5), Article 854.
Cosio-Lima, L. M., Reynolds, K. L., Winter, C., Paolone, V., & Jones, M. T. (2019). Effects of physioball and conventional floor exercises on early phase adaptations in back and abdominal core stability and balance in women. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research17(4), 721-725.
Davids, K., Araújo, D., & Brymer, E. (2016). Designing affordances for health-enhancing physical activity and exercise in sedentary individuals. Sports Medicine46(7), 933-938.
Engels, H. J., Drouin, J., Zhu, W., & Kazmierski, J. F. (1998). Effects of low-impact, moderate-intensity exercise training with and without wrist weights on functional capacities and mood states in older adults. Gerontology44(4), 239-244.
Folstein, M. F., Folstein, S. E., & McHugh, P. R. (1975). “Mini-mental state”: A practical method for grading the cognitive state of patients for the clinician. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 12(3), 189-198.
Gibson, J. J. (2014). The ecological approach to visual perception: classic edition. Psychology press.
Gillespie, L., & Handoll, H. (2009). Prevention of falls and fall-related injuries in older people. Injury Prevention15(5), 354-355.
Gruzelier, J. H., Foks, M., Steffert, T., Chen, M. L., & Ros, T. (2014). Beneficial outcome from EEG-neurofeedback on creative music performance, attention and well-being in school children. Biological Psychology95, 86-95.
Hammond, D. C. (2007). What is neurofeedback? Journal of Neurotherapy10(4), 25-36.
Karlsson, A., & Frykberg, G. (2000). Correlations between force plate measures for assessment of balance. Clinical Biomechanics15(5), 365-369.
Latash, M. L. (2012). Fundamentals of motor control. Academic Press.
Mihara, M., Fujimoto, H., Hattori, N., Otomune, H., Kajiyama, Y., Konaka, K., Watanabe, Y., Hiramatsu, Y., Sunada, Y., Miyai, I., & Mochizuki, H. (2021). Effect of neurofeedback facilitation on poststroke gait and balance recovery: A randomized controlled trial. Neurology96(21), 2587-2598.
Moshref-Razavi, S., Sohrabi, M., & Sotoodeh, M. S. (2017). Effect of neurofeedback interactions and mental imagery on the elderly’s balance. Iranian Journal of Ageing12(3), 288-299. [Persian]
Park, J. H. (2017). The effects of eyeball exercise on balance ability and falls efficacy of the elderly who have experienced a fall: A single-blind, randomized controlled trial. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics68, 181-185.
Pérez-Elvira, R., Oltra-Cucarella, J., Carrobles, J. A., Moltó, J., Flórez, M., Parra, S., Agudo, M., Saez, C., Guarino, S., Costea, R.M., & Neamtu, B. (2021). Enhancing the effects of neurofeedback training: The motivational value of the reinforcers. Brain Sciences11(4), Article 457.
Pighills, A., Ballinger, C., Pickering, R., & Chari, S. (2016). A critical review of the effectiveness of environmental assessment and modification in the prevention of falls amongst community dwelling older people. British Journal of Occupational Therapy79(3), 133-143.
Province, M. A., Hadley, E. C., Hornbrook, M. C., Lipsitz, L. A., Miller, J. P., Mulrow, C. D., & Weiss, S. (1995). The effects of exercise on falls in elderly patients: a preplanned meta-analysis of the FICSIT trials. Journal of the American Medical Association, 273(17), 1341-1347.
Rezaei, K., Nami, M., Sinaei, E., Bagheri, Z., & Yoosefinejad, A. K. (2021). A comparison between effects of neurofeedback and balance exercise on balance of healthy older adults. Journal of Biomedical Physics & Engineering11(6), Article 713.
Seyedian, M., Falah, M., Nourouzian, M., Nejat, S., Delavar, A., & Ghasemzadeh, H. A. (2008). Validity of the Farsi version of mini-mental state examination. Journal of Medical Council of Iran, 25(4), 408-414. [Persian]
Shafizadeh, M., Manson, J., Fowler-Davis, S., Ali, K., Lowe, A. C., Stevenson, J., Parvinpour, S., & Davids, K. (2020). Effects of enriched physical activity environments on balance and fall prevention in older adults: a scoping review. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity29(1), 178-191.
Shahrbanian, S., Hashemi, A., & Hemayattalab, R. (2021). The comparison of the effects of physical activity and neurofeedback training on postural stability and risk of fall in elderly women: A single-blind randomized controlled trial. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice37(2), 271-278.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Neurofeedback
  • training environment affordance
  • static balance
  • elderly
سیدیان، م.، فلاح، م.، نوروزیان، م.، نجات، س.، دلاور، ع.، و قاسم­زاده، ح. (1396). تهیه و تعیین اعتبار نسخه فارسی آزمون کوتاه وضعیت ذهنی. مجله علمی سازمان نظام پزشکی جمهوری اسلامی ایران، 25(4)، 408-414.
مشرف رضوی، س.، سهرابی، م.، و ستوده، م. ص. (1396). تأثیر مداخلات نوروفیدبک و تصویرسازی ذهنی بر تعادل سالمندان. نشریه ایرانی سالمند، 12(3)، 288-299.
Aranda-Gallardo, M., Morales-Asencio, J. M., de Luna-Rodriguez, M. E., Vazquez-Blanco, M. J., Morilla-Herrera, J. C., Rivas-Ruiz, F., Toribio-Montero, J. C., & Canca-Sanchez, J. C. (2018). Characteristics, consequences and prevention of falls in institutionalized older adults in the province of Malaga (Spain): A prospective, cohort, multicentre study. BMJ Open8(2), Article e020039.
Azarpaikan, A., & Taheri Torbati, H. (2018). Effect of somatosensory and neurofeedback training on balance in older healthy adults: A preliminary investigation. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research30(7), 745-753.
Azarpaikan, A., Torbati, H. T., & Sohrabi, M. (2014). Neurofeedback and physical balance in Parkinson's patients. Gait & Posture40(1), 177-181.
Chippendale, T., & Boltz, M. (2015). The neighborhood environment: perceived fall risk, resources, and strategies for fall prevention. The Gerontologist55(4), 575-583.
Clemson, L., Stark, S., Pighills, A. C., Torgerson, D. J., Sherrington, C., & Lamb, S. E. (2019). Environmental interventions for preventing falls in older people living in the community. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2, Article CD013258.
Colom, A., Ruiz, M., Wärnberg, J., Compa, M., Muncunill, J., Barón-López, F. J., & Romaguera, D. (2019). Mediterranean built environment and precipitation as modulator factors on physical activity in obese mid-age and old-age adults with metabolic syndrome: Cross-sectional study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health16(5), Article 854.
Cosio-Lima, L. M., Reynolds, K. L., Winter, C., Paolone, V., & Jones, M. T. (2019). Effects of physioball and conventional floor exercises on early phase adaptations in back and abdominal core stability and balance in women. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research17(4), 721-725.
Davids, K., Araújo, D., & Brymer, E. (2016). Designing affordances for health-enhancing physical activity and exercise in sedentary individuals. Sports Medicine46(7), 933-938.
Engels, H. J., Drouin, J., Zhu, W., & Kazmierski, J. F. (1998). Effects of low-impact, moderate-intensity exercise training with and without wrist weights on functional capacities and mood states in older adults. Gerontology44(4), 239-244.
Folstein, M. F., Folstein, S. E., & McHugh, P. R. (1975). “Mini-mental state”: A practical method for grading the cognitive state of patients for the clinician. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 12(3), 189-198.
Gibson, J. J. (2014). The ecological approach to visual perception: classic edition. Psychology press.
Gillespie, L., & Handoll, H. (2009). Prevention of falls and fall-related injuries in older people. Injury Prevention15(5), 354-355.
Gruzelier, J. H., Foks, M., Steffert, T., Chen, M. L., & Ros, T. (2014). Beneficial outcome from EEG-neurofeedback on creative music performance, attention and well-being in school children. Biological Psychology95, 86-95.
Hammond, D. C. (2007). What is neurofeedback? Journal of Neurotherapy10(4), 25-36.
Karlsson, A., & Frykberg, G. (2000). Correlations between force plate measures for assessment of balance. Clinical Biomechanics15(5), 365-369.
Latash, M. L. (2012). Fundamentals of motor control. Academic Press.
Mihara, M., Fujimoto, H., Hattori, N., Otomune, H., Kajiyama, Y., Konaka, K., Watanabe, Y., Hiramatsu, Y., Sunada, Y., Miyai, I., & Mochizuki, H. (2021). Effect of neurofeedback facilitation on poststroke gait and balance recovery: A randomized controlled trial. Neurology96(21), 2587-2598.
Moshref-Razavi, S., Sohrabi, M., & Sotoodeh, M. S. (2017). Effect of neurofeedback interactions and mental imagery on the elderly’s balance. Iranian Journal of Ageing12(3), 288-299. [Persian]
Park, J. H. (2017). The effects of eyeball exercise on balance ability and falls efficacy of the elderly who have experienced a fall: A single-blind, randomized controlled trial. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics68, 181-185.
Pérez-Elvira, R., Oltra-Cucarella, J., Carrobles, J. A., Moltó, J., Flórez, M., Parra, S., Agudo, M., Saez, C., Guarino, S., Costea, R.M., & Neamtu, B. (2021). Enhancing the effects of neurofeedback training: The motivational value of the reinforcers. Brain Sciences11(4), Article 457.
Pighills, A., Ballinger, C., Pickering, R., & Chari, S. (2016). A critical review of the effectiveness of environmental assessment and modification in the prevention of falls amongst community dwelling older people. British Journal of Occupational Therapy79(3), 133-143.
Province, M. A., Hadley, E. C., Hornbrook, M. C., Lipsitz, L. A., Miller, J. P., Mulrow, C. D., & Weiss, S. (1995). The effects of exercise on falls in elderly patients: a preplanned meta-analysis of the FICSIT trials. Journal of the American Medical Association, 273(17), 1341-1347.
Rezaei, K., Nami, M., Sinaei, E., Bagheri, Z., & Yoosefinejad, A. K. (2021). A comparison between effects of neurofeedback and balance exercise on balance of healthy older adults. Journal of Biomedical Physics & Engineering11(6), Article 713.
Seyedian, M., Falah, M., Nourouzian, M., Nejat, S., Delavar, A., & Ghasemzadeh, H. A. (2008). Validity of the Farsi version of mini-mental state examination. Journal of Medical Council of Iran, 25(4), 408-414. [Persian]
Shafizadeh, M., Manson, J., Fowler-Davis, S., Ali, K., Lowe, A. C., Stevenson, J., Parvinpour, S., & Davids, K. (2020). Effects of enriched physical activity environments on balance and fall prevention in older adults: a scoping review. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity29(1), 178-191.
Shahrbanian, S., Hashemi, A., & Hemayattalab, R. (2021). The comparison of the effects of physical activity and neurofeedback training on postural stability and risk of fall in elderly women: A single-blind randomized controlled trial. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice37(2), 271-278.