کیفیت زندگی در سالمندان: نقش تاب آوری و ذهن آگاهی

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 گروه روان شناسی، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، واحد ورامین-پیشوا، ورامین، ایران.

2 دانشکده روان شناسی و علوم تربیتی، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، واحد تهران مرکزی، تهران، ایران.


امروزه با توجه به افزایش شاخص طول عمر و امید به زندگی، مسأله مهمی تحت عنوان چگونگی گذران عمر و به عبارتی کیفیت زندگی مطرح شده است. بر این اساس، پژوهش حاضر با هدف پیش‌بینی کیفیت زندگی سالمندان بر اساس تاب‌آوری و ذهن‌آگاهی انجام شد. روش این پژوهش توصیفی از نوع همبستگی بود. جامعه آماری شامل سالمندان ساکن در شهر تهران در بهار 1399 بوده‌‍اند که با روش نمونه‌گیری در دسترس تعداد 400 نفر از سالمندانی که در مراکز عمومی (تفریحی، آموزشی، پارک‌ها و غیره) و مراکز روزانه سالمندان شهر حضور داشتند، انتخاب شدند. به منظور گردآوری داده‌ها از پرسش‌نامه‌های تاب‌آوری کونور و دیویدسون، ذهن‌آگاهی براون و ریان و کیفیت زندگی سازمان جهانی بهداشت استفاده شده است. داده‌ها با روش تحلیل رگرسیون خطی ساده با استفاده از نسخه 25 نرم‌افزار SPSS مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفت. نتایج نشان داد که هم ذهن‌آگاهی و هم تاب‌آوری به عنوان متغیرهای پیش‌بین قادر به تبیین کیفیت زندگی در سالمندان است. این یافته‌ها دارای تلویحات عملی برای متخصصان حیطه روان‌شناسی سالمندی فراهم آورده است، بدینگونه که با افزایش ظرفیت‌های ذهن‌آگاهی و تاب‌آوری در سالمندان می‌توان کیفیت زندگی را در سالمندان افزایش داد.


عنوان مقاله [English]

The Quality of Life in the Elderly: The Role of Resiliency and Mindfulness

نویسندگان [English]

  • Morteza Andalib Kourayem 1
  • saeed mahmoodi nia 2
1 Department of Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Varamin-Pishva branch, Varamin, Iran.
2 Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
چکیده [English]

Nowadays, due to increase of lifetime and life expectancy, important issues such as how to spend a lifetime and, in a sense, quality of life have been mentioned. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to predict the quality of life in the elderly based on resiliency and mindfulness. This was a descriptive study of correlational type. The population of the study included all the elderly living in Tehran in the Spring of 2020. The statistical sample of the study consisted of the elderly who were present in public centers (such as recreational centers, educational centers, parks, etc.) and day centers for the elderly. Data were collected using Connor & Davidson’s Resilience, Brown & Ryan’s Mindfulness, and the World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaires and analyzed using simple simple linear regression analysis in SPSS-25. Results demonstrated that both mindfulness and resiliency are able to predict quality of life in the elderly as a significant predictor variable. The mentioned results have implications for specialist working in the field of aging psychology. That is, quality of life in the elderly can be improved through increasing their mindfulness and resiliency capacities.
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کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Mindfulness
  • resiliency
  • quality of life
  • elderly
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Asgari, S., & Shafiee, H. (2017). Prediction of elderly quality of life based on internal coherence, mindfulness and spiritual intelligence. Positive Psychology Research, 3(3), 61-74. [Persian]
Barghi Irani, Z. Bgian Koolemarz, M.J., & Hazari, N. (2017). The Effectiveness of resilience training program on improving nurses’ quality of life. Nursing Management, 5(3 and 4), 9-18. [Persian]
Beh-Pajooh, A., & Solimani, S. (2017). The relationship between quality of sleep and the quality of life of the elderly in three districts of Tehran. Journal of Aging Psychology,3(2), 107-114. [Persian]
Bonanno, G. A., Bucciareli, A., & Vlahov, D. (2007). What predicts psychological resilience after disaster? The role of demographic resources and life stress. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 75(5), 671-682.
Bonanno, G.A. (2004). Loss, trauma, and human resilience. American psychologist, 59, 20-28.
Brown, K.W., & Ryan, R. M. (2003). The benefits of being present: Mindfulness and its role in psychological well- being. Journal of personality and social psychology, 84, 822-848.
Brown, K.W., Ryan, R.M., & Creswell, J.D. (2007). Mindfulness, theoretical foundations and evidence for its salutary effects. Psychological Inquiry, 18(4), 211–237. https://doi.org/10.1080/10478400701598298
Carlson, L. E., Speca, M., Patel, K. D., & Goodey, E. (2003). Mindfulness-based stress reduction in relation to quality of life, mood, symptoms of stress, and immune parameters in breast and prostate cancer outpatients. Psychosomatic Medicine, 65, 571-581.
Cella, DF. (1995). Measuring quality of life in palliative care (suppl. 3). Seminars in Oncology, 22(2), 73-81.
Chen, M., Huang, Y., Sun, C., Lee, C., Hsiao, S., Chou, Y., Han, T., & Yang, T. (2014). Factors influencing the quality of life of nurse anesthetists and the correlations among work stress, job satisfaction, and quality of life: a case study of three medical centers in southern Taiwan. World Journal of Medicine and Medical Science, 2(2), 1–17.
Connor, K.M., & Davidson, J.R.T. (2003). Development of a New Resilience Scale: The Connor- Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC). Journal of Depression and Anxiety, 18, 76- 82.
De Frias, C.M., & Whyne, E. (2015). Stress on health-related quality of life in older adults: the protective nature of mindfulness. Aging & Mental Health, 19(3), 201-206.
Erfani Khanghahi, M., & Ebadi Fard Azar, F. (2018). Systematic review and meta-analysis of the quality of life in iranian elderly people using LEIPAD questionnaire. Payavard, 11(5), 588-597. [Persian]
Flugel Colle, K.F., Cha, S.S., Loehrer, L., Bauer, B.A., & Wahner-Roedler, D.L. (2010). Measurement of quality of life and participant experience with the mindfulness based stress reduction program. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 16, 36–40.
Fry, P. S., and & Debats, D. L. (2010). Sources of human life-strengths, resilience, and health. InP. S. Fry and C. L. M. Keyes(eds.), New Frontiers in resilient aging: Life-strengths and well-being in late life (PP. 15-59). Cambridge University Press.
Gerino, E., Rollè, L., Sechi, C., & Brustia, P. (2017). Loneliness, resilience, mental health, and quality of life in old age: A Structural equation model. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, Article 2003. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2017.02003 
Ghadampour, E., & Moshrefi, S. (2017). Relationship between spiritual health, mental well-being and quality of life with death anxiety in the elderly. Journal of Aging Psychology,3(2), 97-106. [Persian]
 Ghadampour, E., moradizadeh, S., & Shahkarami, M. (2018). The Effectiveness of mindfulness training on increasing happiness and improving quality of life in elderly. Aging Psychology, 4(1), 27-38. [Persian]
Innes, K. E., Selfe, T.K., Khalsa, D.S., & Kandati, S. (2016). Effects of meditation versus music listening on perceived stress, mood, sleep, and quality of life in adults with early memory loss: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 52 (4), 1277–1298.
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