The Relationship Between Religious Orientation and Death Anxiety in the Elderly: The Mediation Role of Aging Perception and Spiritual Well-Being

Document Type : Original Article


1 professor assistant

2 ph.D student lorestan university

3 ph. D student lorestan university


Worry and anxiety about death may result in negative effects on people’s life particularly in the aged people. Therefore, specific attention to death anxiety disorder and prevention of that seem to be required. The current study aimed to investigate the relationship between religious orientation and death anxiety in the elderly with the mediation role of aging perception and spiritual well-being. The study method was descriptive-structural equation modeling. The statistical population contained the whole aged individuals up to 58 years residing in Khoramabad, Iran in 2018 among whom 202 (111 male & 91 female) were selected using convenience sampling. This study adopted Allport and Ross religious orientation, Barker et al. spiritual well-being, Paloutzian & Ellison aging perception, and Templer death anxiety scales to collect data. Applied as the statistical method to analyze data using Amoos-24 and SPSS-22 software was structural equation modeling which indicated significant relationships among variables. Meanwhile, results showed that aging perception and spiritual well-being are able to operate as mediations in the relationship between religious orientation and death anxiety. Accordingly, it can be stated that religious orientation appears to be a vital factor in the reduction of death anxiety through positive aging perception and spiritual well-being. Consequently, it is suitable for mental health experts and individuals working in the elderly’s field to adopt some measures to consolidate and deepen the religious orientation in the elderly.


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