Autobiographical Memory in the Elderly: The Role of Excitements in Recovering Memories


payamnoor university


As we age, the effect of excitement on memory becomes more prominent and emotional objectives become more important. The purpose of this study is to investigate the autobiographical memory and the role of excitement in retrieving memories in the elderly and to compare it with young people. The present study is descriptive-comparative. To this end, 60 elderly people referred to the Jahandidegan Center in Shiraz and 60 young people were selected as the sample. To study the variables of the research, Autobiographical Memory Test and Psychological Wellbeing Scale, Keyes & Magyar-Moe, were used. Data were analyzed by correlation and Manova methods. The findings of the study show that recovery of memories from Autobiographical Memory in elderly is more general and with positive excitement content, and there was a significant relationship between the excitement level of memories and emotional well-being in the elderly (p < 0.05). Therefore, based on the results of this study, it seems that aging causes a change in the priority of the objectives, because it continually brings people closer to the end of their life; to the effect that positive excitement objectives become more important and have a greater effect on the person’s life. 


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