Effectiveness of Group Reality Therapy on Psychological Capital, Self-Worth and Social Well-being of Elderly People

Document Type : Original Article



Nowadays, population of elderly people is increasing and diseases and problems resulting from this evolutionary stage can severely be effective on psychological capital, self-worth and social well-being. Goal of the research was determining effectiveness of group reality therapy on psychological capital, self-worth and social well-being of elderly people in Tabriz. The research was quasi-experimental with pre-test-post-test design with control group. The statistical population included 26 elderly men residing in nursing centers in Tabriz. The statistical population of the research was selected through available sampling method including 26 elderly men residing in Khooban Nursing Home in Tabriz who had inclusion criteria and they were randomly replaced in two experiment (13 people) and control (13 people) groups. Members of the experiment group were treated for 10 sessions under group reality therapy. Instruments used in the research included Luthanz's psychological capital questionnaire, Crooker et al self-worth questionnaire, Keyes’s social well-being questionnaire and reality therapy protocol of Gholami Heidabadi et al. Data of the research was analyzed through multivariate covariance analysis. The results indicated that group reality therapy has been effective on increase of psychological capital, self-worth and social well-being in elderly people. Findings of the research point out necessity of application of reality therapy in line with improving psychological capital, self-worth and social well-being.


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