The Effectiveness of Mindfulness Training based on Acceptance and Commitment on Body Consciousness and Emotional Expression of The Elderly

Document Type : Original Article



Aging usually has positive and negative aspects. Due to some problems in the cultural, economic, social and psychological aspects, negative dimensions can be magnified, leaving negative effects on psychological and physical aspects of the elderly .The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of mindfulness training based on acceptance and commitment on body consciousness and emotional expression of the elderly. The design of this study was quasi experimental, pretest-posttest control group. Thirty elderly women of Behzisti institution of Behshahr city were selected by convenience sampling and randomly allocated in two groups of 15 (experimental and control). Participants filled out the Emotional Expressiveness Questionnaire (EEQ; King & Emmons, 1990) and The Objectified Body Consciousness Scale (McKinley & Hyde, 1996). The experimental group received training for 8 sessions of 60-minute by the Flaxman protocol. Data were analyzed by analysis of covariance and SPSS version 20 software. . Results suggested that the experimental group compared with the control group have improved on body consciousness and emotional expression in posttest (p<0.05). So, mindfulness training based on acceptance and commitment was effective on increasing body awareness and emotional expression among the elderly of Behshar. Using this method is recommended as an effective intervention for the elderly.


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