The Comparison between death anxiety and loneliness among the elderly with optimistic and pessimistic Life Orientation

Document Type : Original Article



Due to the rapid growth of the elderly population in the 21st century, especially in developing countries, paying attention to the physical and psychological needs of the elderly is essential. This study aimed to compare death anxiety and loneliness among the elderly with optimistic and pessimistic life orientation. The method of this study was descriptive and a causal-comparative research. Thus, the two groups of elderly with optimistic and pessimistic Life orientation were compared according to death anxiety and loneliness. All the elderly population (6041 people) from retirement center of Iranian national airline (Homa) in Tehran were chosen and examined in 1395. To collect the data, Templar’s Death Anxiety Scale (DAS), Loneliness questionnaire (UCLA) and Life Orientation examination (LOT-R) were used. In order to analyze the data, multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used. Analysis of the data showed that death anxiety and loneliness in the elderly with optimistic and pessimistic Life Orientation has a significant difference (P<0/05). Thus, according to the results, the elderly with pessimistic life orientation has the higher level of death anxiety. Also Life orientation has a significant relationship with loneliness and the grades of loneliness among the elderly with pessimistic orientation is significantly higher than those with optimistic life orientation. 


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