The Effectiveness of Group Logotherapy on the increase of Psychological Well-Being of The Elderly Retired Women

Document Type : Original Article



Meaning in lives of the elderly is intricately intertwined with the well-being and has an effective role in their ability to cope with stress and challenges. The purpose of this research was to investigate the effectiveness of group logotherapy on the increase of psychological well-being of the elderly retired women. The design of the research was  semi-experimental and  it considered pretest and posttest with control group. The subjects were all the elderly retired women who were registered as the members of the Retired Association in Yasouj. The sample included forty persons who were randomly selected among the volunteers of participating in this study whose scores were one standard deviation lower than the mean. They were divided into two groups: The control group and the experimental group. The experimental group received group logotherapy for ten sessions (each session ninety minutes and once a week). After utilizing the interaction, posttests were given to both groups. In order to collect the data Psychological Well-being Scale (Ryff, 1989) and treatment protocol based on logotherapy were used. The data analyzed by multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA). The results showed that the group logotherapy increased the psychological well-being of the experimental group in comparison with the control group. The findings of this study has potentially important implications for professionals and therapists in order to gain their attention to help the elderly women by using logotherapy.


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