The Spiritual Health and Social Support with Quality of Life in the Rural Elderly: The Mediating Role of Resilience and Hope

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran


Nowadays, due to the increasing rate of elderly populaion in Iran, it seems necessary to maintain and improve the health and the quality of life (QOL) of them as a vulnerable demographic group. Recent studies have revealed that spiritual health, social support, resilience, and hope may improve QOL in the elderly. Therefore, this study aims to determine the model of QOL based on spiritual health and social support through the mediating role of resilience and hope in the elderly. The study population included all the elderly living in villages of qazvin province, Iran, among whom 300 were selected using convenience sampling method. The measures applied in the current study consisted of Paloutzian and Ellison’s spiritual health, Vaux’s social support, Connor & Davidson’s resilience, Snyder’s hope and the World Health Organization QOL questionnaires. Path analysis was used to analyze the causal model. The results indicated the fit of the model with the data. The results also demonstrated a direct and significant effect between spiritual health (β=0.15, P<0.05), social support (β=0.21, P<0.05), hope (β=0.35, P<0.05) and resilience (β=0.25, P<0.05) with QOL. Moreover, the analysis of the role of multiple mediators using Preacher and Hayes’s approach confirmed the mediating role of resilience and hope in the relationship between spiritual health and social support with QOL. The results contribute to the theoretical knowledge regarding how social support and spiritual health affect QOL in the elderly. The findings showed that social support and spiritual health have the power to predict the QOL through hope and resilience among the elderly. All the four predictive variables can be improved and can be used in QOL-related interventions in the rural elderly.
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Craven, R. F., & Hirnle, C. J. (1992). Fundamentals of nursing: human health and function. Lippincott.‏
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Ebrahimi Qavam, P. (1992). Examining the validity of the three concepts of locus of control, self-esteem and social support (Unpublished Master's thesis). Islamic Azad University, Research Sciences Unit, Tehran. [Persian]
Farhadi, A., Barazandeh Chaqaei, S., Mokhtarpour, H., Karmi, K., Chainazadeh, A. (2014). The role of social support, spiritual well-being and self-efficacy in predicting the mental well-being of the elderly. Psychology of Aging, 1(2), 35-48. [Persian]
Forman E. M., Herbert J. D. (2009). New directions in cognitive behavior therapy: Acceptance-based therapies. In W. O’Donohue, J. E. Fisher, (Eds.). General principles and empirically supported techniques of cognitive behavior therapy. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 4(1), 102–114.
Haase, J. E., Kintner, E. K., Robb, S. L., Stump, T. E., Monahan, P. O., Phillips, C., & Burns, D. S. (2017). The Resilience in Illness Model (RIM) Part 2: Confirmatory evaluation in adolescents and young adults with cancer. Cancer Nursing40(6), 454–463.
Harun Rashidi, H., & Mansoori Rad, Vahed. (2016). The relationship between perceived social support and resilience with psychological helplessness of mothers of exceptional children. Journal of Exceptional Education, 17(3), 15-22. [Persian]
‏Hasanain, N., Wazid, S. W., & Hasan, Z. (2014). Optimism, hope and happiness
as correlstes of psychological well-being among young adult assamese
males and females. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 19(2),
Hawro, T., Maurer, M., Hawro, M., Kaszuba, A., Cierpiałkowska, L., Królikowska, M., & Zalewska, A. (2014). In psoriasis, levels of hope and quality of life are linked. Archives of Dermatological Research306(7), 661-666.‏
Herrera, M. S., Elgueta, R., Fernández, M. B., Giacoman, C., Leal, D., Marshall, P., & Bustamante, F. (2021). A longitudinal study monitoring the quality of life in a national cohort of older adults in Chile before and during the COVID-19 outbreak. BMC Geriatrics21(1), 1-12.
Ivtzan, I., Chan, C. P., Gardner, H. E., & Prashar, K. (2013). Linking religion and spirituality with psychological well-being: Examining self-actualisation, meaning in life, and personal growth initiative. Journal of Religion and Health52(3), 915-929.‏
Juliana, N., Azmani, S., Abu, I. F., Talib, N. A. M.F, Abdullah, F, Intan, Z.S, Teng, N. I. M. F. T, Amin, N. A, Azmi, N. A. S. M. & Aziz, N. A. S. A. (2022). Impact of religious activities on quality of life and cognitive function among elderly. Journal of Religion and Health61(2), 1564-1584.‏
Kang, H. W., Park, M., & Wallace, J. P. (2018). The impact of perceived social support, loneliness, and physical activity on quality of life in South Korean older adults. Journal of Sport and Health Science7(2), 237-244.
Kasprzak, E. (2010). Perceived social support and life satisfaction. Polish Psychological Bulletin, 41(4), 144–154.
Khabaz, M., Behjati, Z., & Naseri, M. (2011). The relationship between social support and coping styles with resilience in adolescent boys. Applied Psychology Quarterly5 (1), 108-123. [Persian]
Khaledian, M., & Sohrabi, F. (2013). The effect of group-based meaning therapy on reducing depression and increasing hope in the elderly with empty nest syndrome. Clinical Psychology Studies4 (15), 79-104. [Persian]
Khalji, T. (2007). The relationship between hope, the source of academic inhibition and the academic success of the pre-university course in Tehran in the academic year 2010-2018 (Master's thesis). Al-Zahra University, Tehran. [Persian]
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